Weather-related road conditions sometimes necessitate that the University consider delaying opening, closing, 或者保持开放. This decision is made by the Vice President for Finance and Administration in coordination with the Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs, 和公共安全主管.

当校园在恶劣天气下保持开放, employees must use their best judgment when it comes to commuting to and from the workplace. They should not endanger themselves nor ignore the statements of local officials about traveling during adverse weather. Staff and faculty should make every effort to notify their supervisor if they cannot get to work or plan to leave early.

We will notify the campus of any delays or suspended operations as soon as possible and do our best to make announcements no later than 6:00 AM. 通知是透过, 地方电视台, 以电邮通知皇冠投注的电邮地址, 还有语音邮件和短信提醒 DawgAlert. 要注册DawgAlert通知,请登录您的 my.butler 帐户并打开左上角的“信息”选项卡. Please note, 接收校园内任何情况的即时DawgAlert文本通知, you must enter a valid cell phone number; home phones and office phones will only receive a voice message. 你也可以通过以下方式在Twitter上找到更新 @butleru. 大学官员使用两种冬季天气名称:

  1. Delay-校园办公室将在上午8:30后的指定时间开放. Classes may still be held remotely during the delay at their regularly scheduled time, 由教授决定.
  2. Suspended-所有非必要的校园活动暂停一天. 课程仍可远程授课,由教授自行决定. 教职员工将转为远程工作,直至另行通知. Critical campus services needed to serve students, like campus dining, will remain open. If you are an employee and unsure of your status, please contact your immediate supervisor.

When campus operations are suspended or delayed, in-classroom instruction will not occur. However, faculty may hold class at the regularly scheduled class time during the delay through synchronous technology (e.g., Zoom), or may assign asynchronous activities that you complete on your own time in lieu of in-person activities. Faculty are expected to communicate with students enrolled in their courses about whether and how class will occur on any day when campus operations are delayed or suspended.

In conjunction with Facilities and University Events, Butler University has established a 康乐消防政策.  This policy is for those groups wanting to host a special event and include a bonfire.


请参阅 休闲火灾信息 申请表格及 康乐消防政策 for reservation requirements and all the general information about hosting a bonfire.

如果您有任何问题,请直接发邮件至 罗伊·贝茨上尉.

Butler University 公共安全 has developed a best practices procedure for bus idling. This includes school buses, tour buses, tractor trailers making delivers among other vehicles. 详情请参阅保单.

巴士怠速政策 (PDF)

The purpose of this procedure is to establish protocols for Butler University in response to reports of missing students, as required by the Higher Education Opportunity Act of 2008 and Indiana statute IC 5-2-17.

This procedure applies to students who reside in Butler University campus residence halls, 大学自有公寓, 或者官方批准的大学住房 包括希腊住房.

BUPD can also serve as a resource if a student is missing by assisting the reporting person to the appropriate law enforcement agency depending on the circumstances surrounding the report.

A student may be considered to be a “missing person” if the person’s absence is contrary to his/her usual pattern of behavior and unusual circumstances may have caused the absence. 这些情况包括, 但不限于, 报告或怀疑失踪者可能是谋杀的受害者, 有过自杀的想法, 是否依赖药物?, 是否处于危及生命的情况, 或与可能危及学生福利的人在一起.

所有皇冠投注由学生提供 为了这个失踪人口程序 将是保密的和可访问的 only 给授权的校园官员. 这将不会被披露, except to law enforcement personnel in furtherance of a missing person investigation.

Students will be given the opportunity during each semester to designate an individual or individuals to be contacted by the college no more than 24 hours after the time that the student is determined to be missing. 在学生更改或撤销指定之前,指定将保持有效.


In the event a student who is not emancipated is determined to be missing pursuant to the procedures set forth below, Butler University is required to notify a custodial parent or guardian no more than 24 hours after the student is determined to be missing, 除了通知学生指定的任何其他联系人之外.

  1. Any individual on campus who has information that a residential student may be a missing person must notify the Butler University Police Department (BUPD) as soon as possible by calling 317-940-9396. 任何个人亦可通知:
  • 社区主任
  • 社区助理
  • 居民助理
  • 教务长

If reported to one of the individuals above, they will notify BUPD for an investigation.

  1. BUPD will gather all essential information about the residential student from the reporting person and from the student’s acquaintances (description, 最后穿过的衣服, 学生可能在哪里, 学生可能和谁在一起, 车辆的描述, 有关学生身心健康的资料, 一张最新照片, 课程表, etc.). Appropriate campus staff will be notified to aid in the search for the student if deemed necessary.
  2. BUPD will notify the Indianapolis Metropolitan Police Department (IMPD) of the report and possibly request assistance from their Missing Person’s unit if deemed necessary. BUPD and IMPD will follow Indiana Code and investigate all reports of missing persons. Indiana Code requires no arbitrary waiting period for reporting a person missing.

电动滑板车正式回归印第安纳波利斯市. 为了校园安全, 北京警察希望强调关于电动滑板车的校园指导方针.

  • Scooters are prohibited from use on campus sidewalks and are subject to traffic laws.
  • Scooters must be parked in an upright position, utilizing existing campus bike rack infrastructure.
  • 滑板车不得被遗弃或随意留在校园, 对建筑, 或在草地/景观区.
  • Electric scooters are prohibited from being charged inside campus residence halls, 学术的建筑, 或其他校园设施.
  • 校园宿舍内禁止使用滑板车, 学术的建筑, 或其他校园设施.

We encourage you to be familiar with Butler’s policies as well as Indianapolis’ ordinances. 你可以看到两者 皇冠投注电动滑板车政策.